At Home: A Short History of Private Life


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At Home: A Short History of Private Life

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作者简介 · · · · · ·

William McGuire “Bill” Bryson, OBE, FRS was born in Des Moines, Iowa, in 1951. He settled in England in 1977, and worked in journalism until he became a full time writer. He lived for many years with his English wife and four children in North Yorkshire. He and his family then moved to New Hampshire in America for a few years, but they have now returned to live in the UK.

In The Lost Continent, Bill Bryson’s hilarious first travel book, he chronicled a trip in his mother’s Chevy around small town America. It was followed by Neither Here Nor There, an account of his first trip around Europe. Other travel books include the massive bestseller Notes From a Small Island, which won the 2003 World Book Day National Poll to find the book which best represented modern England, followed by A Walk in the Woods (in which Stephen Katz, his travel companion from Neither Here Nor There, made a welcome reappearance), Notes From a Big Country and Down Under.

Bill Bryson has also written several highly praised books on the English language, including Mother Tongue and Made in America. In his last book, he turned his attention to science. A Short History of Nearly Everything was lauded with critical acclaim, and became a huge bestseller. It was shortlisted for the Samuel Johnson Prize, before going on to win the Aventis Prize for Science Books and the Descartes Science Communication Prize. His next book, The Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid, is a memoir of growing up in 1950s America, featuring another appearance from his old friend Stephen Katz. October 8 sees the publication of A Really Short History of Nearly Everything.

威廉·麦奎尔·“比尔”·布莱森,大英帝国勋章获得者,FRS 于 1951 年出生于爱荷华州得梅因。1977 年,他定居英国,从事新闻工作,直到成为一名全职作家。他与英国妻子和四个孩子在北约克郡生活了很多年。他和家人随后搬到美国新罕布什尔州住了几年,但现在他们已经回到英国生活。

《失落的大陆》是比尔·布莱森的第一本搞笑旅行书,书中记录了他驾驶母亲的雪佛兰汽车游览美国小镇的旅程。之后他又写了《既不在这里也不在那里》,记录了他第一次游览欧洲的旅程。其他旅行书籍包括畅销书《小岛笔记》,该书赢得了 2003 年世界读书日全国民意调查,该书被选为最能代表现代英国的书籍。之后他又写了《林中漫步》(书中,他《既不在这里也不在那里》中的旅行同伴斯蒂芬·卡茨再次登场)、《大国笔记》和《澳洲往事》。

比尔·布莱森还写过几本备受赞誉的英语书籍,包括《母语》和《美国制造》。在他的最后一本书中,他将注意力转向了科学。《万物简史》广受好评,成为畅销书。它入围塞缪尔·约翰逊奖,后来又获得了安万特科学图书奖和笛卡尔科学传播奖。他的下一本书《雷霆小子的生活和时代》是一部关于 20 世纪 50 年代美国成长经历的回忆录,他的老朋友斯蒂芬·卡茨也出现在书中。10月8日,《万物简史》出版。



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