DK - Children’s Illustrated Thesaurus


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DK - Children’s Illustrated Thesaurus

内容简介 · · · · · ·

A comprehensive, illustrated thesaurus created specifically for young readers and writers, with more than 4,000 entries and authoritative content.Containing over 36,000 synonyms, the more than 4,000 main entries in Children’s Illustrated Thesaurus are brought to life through an imaginative mix of illustrations and photography and fun vocabulary features that explore and expand language. The entries are arranged alphabetically and include definitions and sample sentences to help kids understand the meaning and usage of words in context, and antonym features present another layer of vocabulary for children to enjoy.With its fresh and fun design and authoritative content, Children’s Illustrated Thesaurus will inspire children to build a rich and vibrant vocabulary and boost their confidence in using and choosing words.

专为年轻读者和作家打造的综合性、图文并茂的同义词典,包含 4,000 多个词条和权威内容。《儿童插图同义词典》包含 36,000 多个同义词,通过富有想象力的插图和摄影作品以及有趣的词汇功能,生动呈现了 4,000 多个主要词条,这些功能可探索和扩展语言。词条按字母顺序排列,包括定义和例句,帮助孩子理解单词在上下文中的含义和用法,反义词功能为孩子提供了另一层词汇。《儿童插图同义词典》设计新颖有趣,内容权威,将激励孩子建立丰富多彩的词汇量,增强他们使用和选择单词的信心。

作者简介 · · · · · ·


作为史上极成功的图文书出版社之一,DK代表的不仅是一种图文并茂的美学风格,更是一种面对世界和知识的态度。正如DK做书的理念——A World of Ideas:See all there is to know,正是希望用严谨且实用的知识,创意、逻辑并存的设计,引发思考、启迪灵感,让读者在阅读中享受探索未知的乐趣。

成立40余年以来, DK 与世界上众多权威和知名的品牌合作, 制作出令人惊叹的视觉指南和参考读本,在内容和形式上满足了各种读者的需求。在这些书中,阅读无关年龄、性别和文化背景,每一位读者都能找到自己的兴趣所在。



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