Democracy Awakening - Notes on the State of America


  • 3 min read
Democracy Awakening - Notes on the State of America

内容简介 · · · · · ·

From historian and author of the popular daily newsletter LETTERS FROM AN AMERICAN, a vital narrative that explains how America, once a beacon of democracy, now teeters on the brink of autocracy – and how we can turn back.

In the midst of the impeachment crisis of 2019, Heather Cox Richardson launched a daily Facebook essay providing the historical background of the daily torrent of news. It soon turned into a newsletter and its readership ballooned to more than 2 million dedicated readers who rely on her plainspoken and informed take on the present and past in America.

In Democracy Awakening, Richardson crafts a compelling and original narrative, explaining how, over the decades, a small group of wealthy people have made war on American ideals. By weaponizing language and promoting false history they have led us into authoritarianism – creating a disaffected population and then promising to recreate an imagined past where those people could feel important again. She argues that taking our country back starts by remembering the elements of the nation’s true history that marginalized Americans have always upheld. Their dedication to the principles on which this nation was founded has enabled us to renew and expand our commitment to democracy in the past. Richardson sees this history as a roadmap for the nation’s future.

Richardson’s talent is to wrangle our giant, meandering, and confusing news feed into a coherent story that singles out what we should pay attention to, what the precedents are, and what possible paths lie ahead. In her trademark calm prose, she is realistic and optimistic about the future of democracy. Her command of history allows her to pivot effortlessly from the Founders to the abolitionists to Reconstruction to Goldwater to Mitch McConnell, highlighting the political legacies of the New Deal, the lingering fears of socialism, the death of the liberal consensus and birth of “movement conservatism.”

Many books tell us what has happened over the last five years. Democracy Awakening explains how we got to this perilous point, what our history really tells us about ourselves, and what the future of democracy can be.


在 2019 年弹劾危机期间,希瑟·考克斯·理查森 (Heather Cox Richardson) 在 Facebook 上发表了一篇每日文章,提供每日新闻洪流的历史背景。它很快变成了一份时事通讯,其读者群激增至超过 200 万忠实读者,这些读者依赖于她对美国现在和过去的直言不讳和见多识广的看法。


理查森的才华在于将我们庞大的、曲折的、令人困惑的新闻源整理成一个连贯的故事,挑出我们应该关注的内容、先例是什么以及未来可能的道路。在她标志性的冷静散文中,她对民主的未来持现实和乐观的态度。她对历史的掌握使她能够毫不费力地从开国元勋到废奴主义者,再到重建时期的戈德华特,再到米奇·麦康奈尔,强调了新政的政治遗产、对社会主义挥之不去的恐惧、自由主义共识的消亡以及“运动保守主义”的诞生。 ”。

许多书籍告诉我们过去五年发生了什么。 《民主觉醒》解释了我们如何走到了这个危险的地步,我们的历史真正告诉我们关于我们自己的事情,以及民主的未来会是什么样。

作者简介 · · · · · ·

Heather Cox Richardson is a professor of history at Boston College and an expert on American political and economic history. She is the author of seven books, including the award-winning How the South Won the Civil War. Her work has appeared in The Washington Post, The New York Times, and The Guardian, among other outlets. Her widely read newsletter, Letters from an American, synthesizes history and modern political issues.




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