爱的冲突 - Fight Right


  • 1 min read
爱的冲突 - Fight Right

内容简介 · · · · · ·

为什么吵架更频繁的新婚夫妻往往会有更长久的婚姻?不同冲突类型的伴侣如何通过改变争吵方式来深化关系?当争吵陷入僵局,我们又该如何化解? 婚姻大师戈特曼夫妇基于50多年的研究和实践成果,以及新近一项涵盖4万对伴侣的国际研究发现,冲突是伴侣们寻求治疗的首要原因,也是建立更紧密的关系、更深层次联系和持久爱情的契机。一对伴侣争吵的方式,将直接预示他们关系的未来。 书中为我们揭示了冲突背后的真相、3大典型冲突类型,以及人人都会在冲突中犯的5种错误,比如"扔炸弹"、反复拉扯、非赢不可,并提出了一系列简明有效的行动指南,帮助伴侣把关系拉回正轨的同时,逐步建立更健康、更长久的关系。


作者简介 · · · · · ·

Julie Gottman, PhD, is the cofounder of The Gottman Institute and cofounder of Affective Software, Inc. A highly respected clinical psychologist, she is the author of the national bestseller Eight Dates and the New York Times bestseller The Love Prescription. She is sought internationally by media and organizations as an expert adviser on marriage, domestic violence, post-traumatic stress disorders, gay and lesbian adoption, and parenting issues. John Gottman, PhD, is world-renowned for his work on marital stability and divorce prediction. Dr. Gottman has conducted over fifty years of breakthrough research with thousands of couples. He is the cofounder of The Gottman Institute and Affective Software, Inc., as well as the author of over 200 published academic articles and author or coauthor of more than forty books, including the New York Times bestsellers The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work and The Love Prescription and the national bestseller Eight Dates.



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