Ghosts of Honolulu - A Japanese Spy, a Japanese American Spy


  • 5 min read
Ghosts of Honolulu - A Japanese Spy, a Japanese American Spy

内容简介 · · · · · ·


“A fast-paced debut…Espionage buffs will savor this vibrant account.” — Publishers Weekly

A U.S. naval counterintelligence officer working to safeguard Pearl Harbor; a Japanese spy ordered to Hawaii to gather information on the American fleet. On December 7, 1941, their hidden stories are exposed by a morning of bloodshed that would change the world forever. Scrutinizing long-buried historical documents, NCIS star Mark Harmon and co-author Leon Carroll, a former NCIS Special Agent, have brought forth a true-life NCIS story of deception, discovery, and danger.

Hawaii, 1941. War clouds with Japan are gathering and the islands of Hawaii have become battlegrounds of spies, intelligence agents, and military officials - with the island’s residents caught between them. Toiling in the shadows are Douglas Wada, the only Japanese American agent in naval intelligence, and Takeo Yoshikawa, a Japanese spy sent to Pearl Harbor to gather information on the U.S. fleet.

Douglas Wada’s experiences in his native Honolulu include posing undercover as a newspaper reporter, translating wiretaps on the Japanese Consulate, and interrogating America’s first captured POW of World War II, a submarine officer found on the beach. Takeo Yoshikawa is a Japanese spy operating as a junior diplomat with the consulate who is collecting vital information that goes straight to Admiral Yamamoto. Their dueling stories anchor Ghosts of Honolulu’s gripping depiction of the world-changing cat and mouse games played between Japanese and US military intelligence agents (and a mercenary Nazi) in Hawaii before the outbreak of the second world war.

Also caught in the upheaval are Honolulu’s innocent residents - including Douglas Wada’s father - who endure the war’s anti-Japanese fervor and a cadre of intelligence professionals who must prevent Hawaii from adopting the same destructive mass internments as California.

Ghosts of Honolulu depicts the incredible high stakes game of naval intelligence and the need to define what is real and what only appears to be real.


“快节奏的首次亮相……间谍爱好者将会欣赏这个充满活力的帐户。” — 出版商周刊

一名致力于保卫珍珠港的美国海军反情报官员;一名日本间谍奉命前往夏威夷收集有关美国舰队的信息。 1941 年 12 月 7 日,他们隐藏的故事因一个永远改变世界的流血早晨而曝光。海军罪案调查处明星马克·哈蒙和合著者、前海军罪案调查处特工莱昂·卡罗尔仔细研究了长期埋藏的历史文献,讲述了一个关于欺骗、发现和危险的真实的海军罪案调查处故事。

1941 年,夏威夷。与日本的战争阴云正在聚集,夏威夷群岛已成为间谍、情报人员和军事官员的战场,岛上的居民也被夹在中间。道格拉斯·和田(Douglas Wada)是海军情报领域唯一的日裔美国特工,而吉川武夫(Takeo Yoshikawa)则是一名被派往珍珠港收集美国舰队信息的日本间谍。

道格拉斯·和田 (Douglas Wada) 在家乡檀香山的经历包括冒充报纸记者、翻译日本领事馆的窃听内容,以及审问美国第一位在二战中被俘的战俘——一名在海滩上发现的潜艇军官。吉川武夫是一名日本间谍,在领事馆担任初级外交官,负责收集直接发送给山本海军上将的重要信息。他们的决斗故事在《火奴鲁鲁之魂》中扣人心弦,讲述了第二次世界大战爆发前,日本和美国军事情报人员(以及一名纳粹雇佣兵)在夏威夷进行的改变世界的猫捉老鼠游戏。



作者简介 · · · · · ·

Star of screen, television, and stage, Mark Harmon is now taking on the publishing world with Ghosts of Honolulu. Probably most recognized for his role as Leroy Jethro Gibbs on the hit drama NCIS, which he led for 18 seasons, Harmon is also an executive producer on the show. In his other TV work, Harmonreceived an Emmy nomination for Outstanding Guest Actor in a Drama Series for the critically acclaimed The West Wing. Previously he earned an Emmy nomination for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Special for Eleanor and Franklin: The White House Years. He received two consecutive Golden Globe nominations for his work on Reasonable Doubts, and received two additional Golden Globe nominations for Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture Made for TV; one for After the Promise, and another for his role as notorious serial killer Ted Bundy in The Deliberate Stranger. Along with his costars on Chicago Hope, he received two Best Ensemble SAG Award nominations. Further credits include HBO’s From Earth to the Moon, St. Elsewhere, Moonlighting, and Tennessee Williams’ Sweet Bird of Youth.

Harmon made his feature film debut in Alan Pakula’s Comes a Horseman. Additional credits include Lawrence Kasdan’s Wyatt Earp, Stealing Home with Jodie Foster, The Presidio, and Carl Reiner’s smash hit, Summer School. On stage, Harmon has appeared in Kevin Wade’s Key Exchange, Bill C. Davis’s Wrestlers, and Mark Medoff’s The Wager. In addition, he has done several successful productions of A. R. Gurney’s hit play Love Letters with his wife, actress Pam Dawber.

Born and raised in Southern California, Harmon excelled in sports. He quarterbacked UCLA to multiple winning football seasons and was presented the National Collegiate Football Foundation Award for All Around Excellence. The National Football Foundation recently bestowed Harmon with their highest honor, the Gold Medal, making him the first recipient in their organization to receive both the Scholar Athlete Award and the Gold Medal. He is a cum laude graduate with a degree in communications.

Leon Carroll Jr. is the technical advisor on the hit drama NCIS. A native of Chicago, Illinois, he attended Lindblom Technical High School and went on to earn a BS degree in business economics from North Dakota State University. He was a member of two College Division national championship teams in the late 60s. Leon was a commissioned officer in the United States Marine Corps, serving on active duty for 6 years and 3 years in the Marine Corps Reserves, attaining the rank of Major. His duty assignments included serving in the Fleet Marine Forces and Sea Duty onboard the USS Ogden (LPD-5). Following his stint in the Marine Corps, Leon began a 20-year career as a Special Agent with the Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS). He served in 7 different locations, including tours as a Special Agent Afloat on the USS Ranger (CV-61) and as the Special Agent in Charge of NCIS offices in the Republic of Panama and the Pacific Northwest. Upon retirement from NCIS, Leon was selected to be the technical advisor for the top-rated drama of the same name, holding that position for 20 seasons. His experience in Foreign Counterintelligence gives him unique insight into the world in which undercover agents operate.

马克·哈蒙 (Mark Harmon) 是银幕、电视和舞台明星,现在凭借《火奴鲁鲁之魂》进军出版界。哈蒙最出名的作品可能是他在热门电视剧《海军罪案调查处》中饰演的勒罗伊·杰思罗·吉布斯 (Leroy Jethro Gibbs ),他主演了该剧 18 季,同时也是该剧的执行制片人。在他的另一部电视作品中,哈蒙凭借广受好评的《白宫风云》获得了艾美奖戏剧类最佳客串演员提名。此前,他凭借《埃莉诺与富兰克林:白宫岁月》剧情特辑获得艾美奖最佳男配角提名。他凭借《合理怀疑》连续两次获得金球奖提名,并另外两次获得电视电影最佳男主角金球奖提名;一张是《承诺之后》 ,另一张是他在《故意的陌生人》中饰演臭名昭著的连环杀手泰德·邦迪。他与《芝加哥希望》中的搭档一起获得了两项美国演员工会奖最佳集体奖提名。其他作品包括 HBO 的《从地球到月球》、《圣别处》、《月光男孩》和田纳西·威廉姆斯的《甜蜜的青春鸟》。

哈蒙在艾伦·帕库拉的《骑士来了》中首次亮相。其他作品包括劳伦斯·卡斯丹 (Lawrence Kasdan) 的怀亚特·厄普 (Wyatt Earp) 、朱迪·福斯特 (Jodie Foster) 的《偷家》 、 《普雷西迪奥》(The Presidio ) 以及卡尔·雷纳 (Carl Reiner) 的热门影片《暑期学校》(Summer School) 。在舞台上,哈蒙曾出现在凯文·韦德的《Key Exchange》、比尔·C·戴维斯的《摔跤手》和马克·梅多夫的《赌注》中。此外,他还与演员妻子帕姆·道伯 (Pam ​​Dawber)成功制作了 AR Gurney 的热门剧《情书》(Love Letters) 。

哈蒙在南加州出生和长大,在体育方面表现出色。他带领加州大学洛杉矶分校 (UCLA) 多次夺冠,并荣获国家大学橄榄球基金会全面卓越奖。美国国家橄榄球基金会最近授予哈蒙最高荣誉金质奖章,使他成为该组织中第一位同时获得学者运动员奖和金质奖章的获得者。他是一名以优异成绩毕业的毕业生,拥有传播学学位。

Leon Carroll Jr. 是热播剧《海军罪案调查处》的技术顾问。他出生于伊利诺伊州芝加哥市,就读于林德布洛姆技术高中,随后在北达科他州立大学获得商业经济学学士学位。他是 60 年代末两届大学分区全国冠军队的成员。莱昂是美国海军陆战队的一名军官,现役 6 年,在海军陆战队预备役服役 3 年,获得少校军衔。他的职责包括在海军陆战队服役,并在奥格登号航空母舰( LPD-5) 上执行海上任务。在海军陆战队服役后,莱昂开始了在海军犯罪调查局 (NCIS) 担任特工长达 20 年的职业生涯。他曾在 7 个不同的地点服役,包括作为游骑兵号航空母舰(CV-61)上的特工以及负责巴拿马共和国和太平洋西北地区海军罪案调查处办公室的特工。从海军罪案调查处退休后,莱昂被选为同名收视率最高剧集的技术顾问,并担任该职位达 20 季。他在外国反间谍方面的经验使他对卧底特工运作的世界有独特的见解。



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