It’s Not Hysteria
- 2 min read
内容简介 · · · · · ·
A much-needed, intersectional, gender-affirming guide to gynaecologic health issues
Did you know that up to 90% of women experience menstrual abnormalities or pelvic problems in their lifetime? Yet these issues are overwhelmingly misunderstood, misdiagnosed, or dismissed. Conditions such as PCOS, endometriosis, fibroids, ovarian cysts, PMDD, or pelvic floor dysfunction, don’t receive the stream of funding for research and new treatments that other conditions do, despite affecting up to half the population.
It’s Not Hysteria shares critical knowledge that anyone impacted by these conditions desperately needs. Covering everything from the anatomy and reproductive health basics you wish you learned at school, to issues such as abnormal periods, PCOS, endometriosis, and fibroids, to more complex aspects of gynaecologic care like fertility, sexual health, and hysterectomies. Dr Tang’s accessible advice empowers readers to take action and advocate for themselves with healthcare professionals.
At a turbulent time when global health, reproductive, and human rights are under siege, Dr Tang is determined to revolutionise how gynaecologic health and pelvic pain are treated by the medical community. This book will be part of the fight for the healthcare all people with uteruses deserve - healthcare that is intersectional, gender-affirming, validating and hopeful.
妇科健康一直是许多人的“隐形”健康议题,尽管与之相关的问题影响了全球多达一半的人口,但这些问题却往往被误解、忽视,甚至轻描淡写地归为“情绪化”或“正常现象”。Dr. Karen Tang 在 《这不是歇斯底里》 一书中,以科学严谨的态度和温暖有力的笔触,为那些长期忍受盆腔疼痛、月经异常以及妇科问题困扰的人们带来了一盏明灯。
从“未知”到“赋权” 本书从解剖和生殖健康的基础知识入手,帮助读者建立对自己身体的全面认识。书中详细探讨了多囊卵巢综合征(PCOS)、子宫内膜异位症、子宫肌瘤、经前焦虑症(PMDD)等妇科问题。更为难得的是,作者不止步于这些问题的医学解释,而是聚焦于这些问题如何被系统性忽视,并将这种不公直指医疗界的偏见与研究资金分配的失衡。
Dr. Tang 用清晰易懂的语言和大量案例,让读者意识到这些妇科问题并非“稀有”或“无法解决”。她通过科学数据和个人故事,提醒我们:盆腔疼痛和月经异常并非“歇斯底里”,而是需要医疗关注和科学研究的严肃健康问题。
健康的权利,人人平等 在全球卫生与人权环境面临挑战的当下,Dr. Tang 的书更具现实意义。她坚定地支持性别交叉视角,认为妇科健康不应仅限于“女性”定义,而是涵盖所有有子宫的人。她提倡一种包容性、交叉性别的医疗模式,倡导所有人都有权获得平等、尊重且科学的医疗服务。
行动指南,拒绝沉默 本书不仅是一本知识普及读物,更是一本实用指南。Dr. Tang 提供了具体的行动建议,例如如何描述自己的症状、如何与医疗专业人士沟通,以及如何为自己争取诊断与治疗。这些建议帮助读者在复杂的医疗体系中找到自己的声音。
《这不是歇斯底里》 是一本重要且迫切的书,它填补了妇科健康领域的知识空白,同时赋予读者力量。通过科学的视角和人性化的叙述,Dr. Tang 帮助我们打破对妇科问题的偏见,重新定义这些问题的严肃性与普遍性。无论你是受到这些问题影响的患者,还是想要了解和支持亲友的人,这本书都值得一读。
人物简介 · · · · · ·
Karen Tang KAREN TANG, MD, MPH is a board-certified gynecologist and minimally invasive gynecologic surgeon who is an internationally recognized leader in reproductive health. As @KarenTangMD on TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube, she reaches millions of viewers each month with her educational videos about period health, pelvic pain, and reproductive rights. Dr. Tang has been featured in the Washington Post, Self Magazine, Glamour,, and NPR, among others. She lives in the Philadelphia area with her husband and three children.
For more information and updates on events, check out and sign up for Dr. Tang’s newsletter, GynoMight, at!
KAREN TANG 医学博士、公共卫生硕士是一位获得委员会认证的妇科医生和微创妇科外科医生,是国际公认的生殖健康领域的领军人物。作为 TikTok、Instagram 和 YouTube 上的 @KarenTangMD,她每月通过有关经期健康、盆腔疼痛和生殖权利的教育视频吸引数百万观众。Tang 医生曾登上《华盛顿邮报》、《自我杂志》、《魅力》、 和 NPR 等媒体。她与丈夫和三个孩子住在费城地区。
欲了解更多活动信息和最新动态,请访问,并在 订阅唐博士的新闻通讯《GynoMight》!