Kill Your Mortgage & Sort Your Retirement


  • 4 min read
Kill Your Mortgage & Sort Your Retirement

内容简介 · · · · · ·


“我们现在将在 5 年内还清抵押贷款,而不是 30 年” Kirsten & Mike Mason,Fair Go “与 Hannah 合作解决我们的退休问题真是一种解脱” Mark Leishman Hannah McQueen 分享她的专业知识,以便您可以控制您的财务状况,节省数十万美元的利息成本,并一劳永逸地解决您的退休问题。对于那些想要立即取得成功的人来说,这是一本必备指南。 她管理金钱的独特方法强调了您的消费心理以及金钱在您的人际关系中扮演的角色。 Hannah 并不回避我们在取得成功时所面临的障碍,而是提供巧妙的建议,告诉您如何削减日常成本将使您积累现金盈余,从而有额外的钱用于偿还抵押贷款。她计算退休成本的简单框架和解决退休问题的实用解决方案令人松了一口气。想象一下,如果您可以在 10 年而不是 25 年内还清抵押贷款,同时仍然拥有生活!对于任何人来说,这都不算太晚——汉娜会引导你走上正确的道路。

Get serious about your money, pay off your mortgage quickly and ensure you have enough for retirement

‘We will now pay off our mortgage in five years rather than 30 years’ Kirsten & Mike Mason, Fair Go ‘It’s a relief to be working with Hannah to sort our retirement’ Mark Leishman Hannah McQueen shares her expertise so you can take control of your finances, save hundreds of thousands of dollars in interest costs, and sort your retirement - once and for all. This is a must-have guide for those who want to get ahead now. Her unique approach to managing your money emphasises your psychology of spending and the role money plays in your relationships. Hannah does not shy away from the obstacles we all face in getting ahead, instead she offers clever tips on how cutting day-to-day costs will enable you to build a cash surplus so you have extra money for mortgage repayments. Her simple framework to calculate your retirement costs and practical solutions to sort retirement are a relief. Imagine if you could pay off your mortgage in ten years instead of 25, while still having a life! It’s not too late for anyone - Hannah will set you on the right track.

作者简介 · · · · · ·

Describing herself as a “financial force of nature” driven by a desire to make Kiwis smarter about money and building a career on her ability to help them get ahead Hannah McQueen has no time for doubters.

Truth be told, she has been rebelling against doubters for most of her life.

“Ironically, it’s the people who were the naysayers who have influenced me the most starting with the teacher who told me I shouldn’t leave school early because I would ruin my life (I did leave early), the boss who fired me when I suggested a new business idea (it became the basis for my current business), the people who said I was too young to get married (I got married at 18) and that I was too inexperienced to start a business (I started it anyway).

Encouraged by her mother to read the business pages in the newspaper from a young age she spotted an article one day that pointed out more than 80% of CEOs were qualified accountants and so that became the basis for selecting her degree.

Skipping Year 13 and starting university at 17, Hannah was on a mission to get her career started and the sooner the better.

Enrolling in a Bachelor of Commerce degree she admits the first two years were “challenging” but not enough to stop her from going on to complete a Masters in Taxation.

After graduating, she initially joined KPMG before moving on to work for a mortgage consulting company but decided that instead of helping people get into debt, she should be helping them get of it.

Discussing the idea with a colleague they pitched a plan to their boss at the time who proceeded to fire them both for undermining his business.

As it turned out the decision was fortuitous but the timing was less than ideal. Grappling with the idea of taking out her first mortgage, a $300,000 loan which would have cost her nearly $500,000 in interest over its 30-year term, she approached the University’s maths department to create a formula that would enable her to repay her loan as quickly as possible, at the lowest cost and with maximum flexibility.

Hannah patented the formula, then realised the toughest part of applying it was finding the spare cash to pay back the debt faster. Despite earning a good income, she says she found it difficult to get ahead and the more she looked around the more she discovered lots of other people in a similar situation who were basically going nowhere financially.

So at 27 Hannah launched EnableMe - a personal financial training business designed to help people get better with their money which will this year celebrate its tenth anniversary and now has 10 offices around the country.

“We see ourselves as personal coaches to get you fit financially in the same way as you have personal coaches who will help you improve your physical fitness.”

Hannah’s latest focus is improving the financial literacy of children.

She’s recently finished her third book “From Pocket Money to Property – creating financial independent kids”, to add to several she has already published, that focuses on educating children about money.

“I believe many parents aren’t setting their children up to be successful adults, by not giving them practical experiences in handling money or developing a financial strategy before they leave home. I also think more parents need to be telling their children that financial support ends at 18.”

Hannah says her own kids already know this will apply to them too.



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