Let's Talk: Make Effective Feedback Your Superpower


  • 2 min read
Let's Talk: Make Effective Feedback Your Superpower

内容简介 · · · · · ·

Prices for items sold by Amazon AU and third party sellers include NZ GST (if applicable). For items sold by Amazon Global Store, NZ GST will be calculated at checkout. For further information please see Details A game-changing model for giving effective feedback to peers, employees, or even your boss–without offending or demotivating. How are you supposed to tell someone that they’re not meeting expectations without crushing their spirit? Regular feedback, when delivered skillfully, can turn average performers into the hardest workers and stars into superstars. Yet many see it as an awkward chore: Recent studies have revealed 37% of managers dread giving feedback, and 65% of employees wish their managers gave more feedback.

This trail-blazing new model eliminates the guesswork. Dr. Therese Huston, the founding director of the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning at Seattle University, discovered that the key to being listened to is to listen. First, find out what kind of feedback an employee wants most: appreciation, coaching, or evaluation. If they crave one, they’ll be more receptive once their need has been satisfied. Then Huston lays out counterintuitive strategies for delivering each type of feedback successfully, including:

Start by saying your good intentions out loud: it may feel unnecessary, but it makes all the difference. Side with the person, not the problem: a bad habit or behavior is probably less entrenched than you think. Give reports a chance to correct inaccurate feedback: they want an opportunity to talk more than they want you to be a good talker.

This handbook will make a once-stressful ordeal feel natural, and, by greasing the wheels of regular feedback conversations, help managers improve performance, trust, and mutual understanding.


你该如何告诉某人他们没有达到期望而不摧毁他们的精神?如果定期反馈得当,可以将表现平平的人变成最勤奋的人,将明星变成超级明星。然而许多人认为这是一件尴尬的苦差事:最近的研究显示,37% 的经理害怕提供反馈,65% 的员工希望他们的经理提供更多反馈。


首先大声说出你的善意:这可能感觉没有必要,但它会带来一切不同。 站在人一边,而不是问题一边:坏习惯或行为可能没有你想象的那么根深蒂固。 给报告一个纠正不准确反馈的机会:他们希望有机会讲话,而不是希望你成为一个善于讲话的人。


作者简介 · · · · · ·

Dr. Therese Huston received her MS and PhD in cognitive psychology from Carnegie Mellon University. Huston was the founding director of the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning at Seattle University. She has written for The New York Times and the Harvard Business Review and has a robust speaking schedule, presenting regularly for academic audiences, businesses, and conferences. She has previously given talks at Microsoft, Amazon, TEDxStLouis, and Harvard Business School. Huston is the author of Teaching What You Don’t Know and How Women Decide. This is her third book.

Therese Huston 博士在卡内基梅隆大学获得认知心理学硕士和博士学位。休斯顿是西雅图大学卓越教学中心的创始主任。她曾为《纽约时报》和《哈佛商业评论》撰稿,并有丰富的演讲日程,定期为学术观众、企业和会议发表演讲。她此前曾在微软、亚马逊、TEDxStLouis 和哈佛商学院发表演讲。休斯顿是《教导你不知道的事情》和《女性如何决定》的作者。这是她的第三本书。



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