Making Sense: The Glamorous Story of English Grammar

著名语言学家David Crystal通过简单风趣的语言举例,讲述关于英语语言的有趣故事。

  • 2 min read
Making Sense: The Glamorous Story of English Grammar

内容简介 · · · · · ·

在《Making Sense》一书中,大卫·克里斯托直面了许多人都讨厌的语法。语法曾经是英语世界所有学生必修的课程,但如今却从大多数学校课程中消失了,因此“介词”和“连词”等术语如今常常让孩子和成年人都感到困惑。

解释语法的基本原理是一项特殊的挑战,因为与拼写和标点符号相比,语法背负着数百年的教育实践历史,许多人会觉得它一点也不光鲜。克里斯托是世界上英语语言方面的权威之一,他致力于摆脱语法枯燥和令人生畏的名声,指出语法对于清晰有效的口语和写作至关重要。他快速介绍了孩子们学习语法的各个阶段,在此过程中揭开了语法规则和不规则之处的神秘面纱,并向我们展示了如何避开语法的陷阱和陷阱。他讲述了语法的迷人历史,解释了语法如何从古希腊的第一批语法学家演变到我们 21 世纪的博客、电子邮件和短信的数字环境。


David Crystal explains grammar’s rules and irregularities, shows how to navigate its snares and pitfalls, and explores its history and varieties. He gives practical guidance on how grammar may be used for different purposes and in different settings. He provides a series of insights into the stages by which children acquire grammar and shows how this can be used to guide its early instruction. He casts a mordant eye on what learned people have said about English grammar over the centuries and what they continue to say now. People have always been uneasy about points of grammar and worried that what they say may not always be what they mean. Grammar is complex but, Professor Crystal shows, it need not be daunting: the more we understand it, he argues, the more sense we shall make.

Making Sense is as entertaining as it is instructive. David Crystal unites investigations of its nature, variations, history, learning, and teaching with a host of practical advice. Like its three companion volumes it will appeal to everyone interested in the English language and how to use it.

作者简介 · · · · · ·

David Crystal works from his home in Holyhead, North Wales, as a writer, editor, lecturer, and broadcaster. He published the first of his 100 or so books in 1964, and became known chiefly for his research work in English language studies. He held a chair at the University of Reading for 10 years, and is now Honorary Professor of Linguistics at the University of Wales, Bangor.



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