Prequel: An American Fight Against Fascism


  • 3 min read
Prequel: An American Fight Against Fascism

内容简介 · · · · · ·

Rachel Maddow traces the fight to preserve American democracy back to World War II, when a handful of committed public servants and brave private citizens thwarted far-right plotters trying to steer our nation toward an alliance with the Nazis.

Inspired by her research for the hit podcast Ultra, Rachel Maddow charts the rise of a wild American strain of authoritarianism that has been alive on the far-right edge of our politics for the better part of a century. Before and even after our troops had begun fighting abroad in World War II, a clandestine network flooded the country with disinformation aimed at sapping the strength of the U.S. war effort and persuading Americans that our natural alliance waswiththe Axis, not against it. It was a sophisticated and shockingly well-funded campaign to undermine democratic institutions, promote antisemitism, and destroy citizens’ confidence in their elected leaders, with the ultimate goal of overthrowing the U.S. government and installing authoritarian rule.

That effort worked–tongue and groove–alongside an ultra-right paramilitary movement that stockpiled bombs and weapons and trained for mass murder and violent insurrection.

At the same time, a handful of extraordinary activists and journalists were tracking the scheme, exposing it even as it was unfolding. In 1941 the U.S. Department of Justice finally made a frontal attack, identifying the key plotters, finding their backers, and prosecuting dozens in federal court.

None of it went as planned.

While the scheme has been remembered in history–if at all–as the work of fringe players, in reality it involved a large number of some of the country’s most influential elected officials. Their interference in law enforcement efforts against the plot is a dark story of the rule of law bending and then breaking under the weight of political intimidation.

That failure of the legal system had consequences. The tentacles of that unslain beast have reached forward into our history for decades. But the heroic efforts of the activists, journalists, prosecutors, and regular citizens who sought to expose the insurrectionists also make for a deeply resonant, deeply relevant tale in our own disquieting times.

雷切尔·玛多 (Rachel Maddow) 将维护美国民主的斗争追溯到第二次世界大战,当时少数忠诚的公务员和勇敢的普通公民挫败了试图引导我们的国家与纳粹结盟的极右阴谋者。

受到热门播客 Ultra 的研究启发,雷切尔·玛多 (Rachel Maddow) 描绘了美国狂野的威权主义的兴起,这种威权主义在我们政治的极右边缘已经存在了一个多世纪了。 在我们的军队在第二次世界大战中开始海外作战之前甚至之后,一个秘密网络向全国充斥着虚假信息,旨在削弱美国的战争力量,并说服美国人我们与轴心国天然结盟,而不是反对它。 这是一场复杂且资金充足的运动,旨在破坏民主制度,宣扬反犹太主义,摧毁公民对当选领导人的信心,最终目标是推翻美国政府并建立独裁统治。


与此同时,一些非凡的活动家和记者正在跟踪该计划,甚至在其展开时就将其曝光。 1941 年,美国司法部终于发起正面攻击,查明了关键策划者,找到了他们的支持者,并在联邦法院起诉了数十人。


虽然该计划在历史上被铭记(如果有的话),因为它是边缘参与者的工作,但实际上它涉及该国一些最有影响力的民选官员。 他们对执法行动的干涉是一个在政治恐吓的重压下法治弯曲然后崩溃的黑暗故事。

法律体系的失败产生了后果。 数十年来,这头未杀野兽的触角已经伸入我们的历史。 但那些试图揭露叛乱分子的活动人士、记者、检察官和普通公民的英勇努力,也在我们这个令人不安的时代创造了一个引起深刻共鸣、与我们密切相关的故事。

作者简介 · · · · · ·

Rachel Maddow is host of the Emmy Award-winning Rachel Maddow Show on MSNBC, as well as the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Drift and Blowout, and the New York Times bestselling co-author of Bag Man. Maddow received a bachelor’s degree in public policy from Stanford University and earned her doctorate in political science at Oxford University. She lives in New York City and Massachusetts with her partner, artist Susan Mikula.

雷切尔·玛多 (Rachel Maddow) 是微软全国广播公司 (MSNBC) 荣获艾美奖的《雷切尔·玛多秀》(Rachel Maddow Show) 的主持人,也是《纽约时报》畅销书《漂移》(Drift) 和《井喷》(Blowout) 的作者之一,也是《纽约时报》畅销书《包人》(Bag Man) 的合著者。 马多在斯坦福大学获得公共政策学士学位,并在牛津大学获得政治学博士学位。 她与她的伴侣、艺术家苏珊·米库拉 (Susan Mikula) 住在纽约市和马萨诸塞州。



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