The Catch by Amy Lea


  • 2 min read
The Catch by Amy Lea

内容简介 · · · · · ·



A grumpy lobster fisherman tosses a fashion influencer’s impeccably curated life overboard in the next romantic comedy from international bestselling author Amy Lea.

In a last-ditch effort to rescue her brand from the brink of irrelevance, Boston fashion influencer Melanie Karlsen finds herself in a rural fishing village on the east coast of Canada. The only thing scarier than nature itself? The burly and bearded bed-and-breakfast owner and fisherman, Evan Whaler—who single-handedly disproves the theory that Canadians are “nice.”

After a boating accident lands Evan unconscious in the hospital, Mel is mistaken for his fiancée by his welcoming yet quirky family, who are embroiled in a long-standing feud over the B&B. In a bold attempt to mend family fences, Mel agrees to fake their engagement for one week in exchange for Evan’s help with her social media content.

Amid long hikes and campfire chats, reeling in their budding feelings for each other proves more difficult by the day. But is Mel willing to sacrifice her picture-perfect life in the city for a chance at a true, unfiltered love in the wild?

在国际畅销书作家艾米·李 (Amy Lea) 的下一部浪漫喜剧中,一位脾气暴躁的龙虾渔夫将一位时尚影响者精心策划的生活扔到了海里。

波士顿时尚影响者梅兰妮·卡尔森 (Melanie Karlsen) 竭尽全力将自己的品牌从无关紧要的边缘拯救出来,她发现自己身处加拿大东海岸的一个乡村渔村。唯一比自然本身更可怕的东西是什么?埃文·惠勒 (Evan Whaler) 是一位身材魁梧、留着胡须的住宿加早餐旅馆老板兼渔民,他单枪匹马地反驳了加拿大人“友善”的理论。



作者简介 · · · · · ·

Amy Lea is a Canadian bureaucrat by day and a contemporary romance author by night (and on weekends). She writes laugh-out-loud romantic comedies featuring strong heroines, witty banter, mid-2000s pop culture references, and happily ever afters.

When Amy is not writing, she can be found fangirling over other romance books on Instagram (@amyleabooks), eating potato chips with reckless abandon, and snuggling with her husband and goldendoodle.

艾米·李(Amy Lea)白天是一名加拿大官僚,晚上(以及周末)则是一名当代浪漫小说作家。她创作的浪漫喜剧以坚强的女主角、诙谐的玩笑、2000 年代中期流行文化的参考以及幸福的幸福生活为特色。

当艾米不写作时,你会发现她在 Instagram (@amyleabooks) 上迷恋其他爱情小说,肆无忌惮地吃薯片,与丈夫和金毛依偎在一起。



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