The Fine Art of Small Talk


  • 3 min read
The Fine Art of Small Talk

内容简介 · · · · · ·

Prices for items sold by Amazon AU and third party sellers include NZ GST (if applicable). For items sold by Amazon Global Store, NZ GST will be calculated at checkout. For further information please see Details In this bestselling guide to social success, communication expert Debra Fine reveals the techniques and strategies anyone can use to make small talk in any situation. Does striking up a conversation with a stranger make your stomach do flip-flops? Do you spend time hiding out in the bathroom at social gatherings? Do you dread the very thought of networking? Is scrolling your phone a crutch to avoid interacting? Help is on the way with The Fine Art of Small Talk, the classic guide that’s now revised for the modern era. Small talk is more than just chitchat; it’s a valuable tool to help you climb the corporate ladder, widen your business and social circles, and boost your self-confidence. With practical advice and simple conversation ‘cheat sheets,’ this book offers easy-to-learn techniques that will allow you to feel comfortable in any type of social situation-from a video meeting to a first date to a cocktail party where you don’t know a soul. Communication expert Debra Fine will show you how to:

  • Learn to connect with others regardless of the occasion, event or situation
  • Come across as composed and self-assured when entertaining
  • Avoid awkward silences and ‘foot in mouth’ disease
  • Convey warmth and enthusiasm so that other people feel good about being near you
  • Make a positive, lasting impression from the minute you say hello. Once you master The Fine Art of Small Talk, you’ll excel at making others feel included, valued and comfortable. Let Debra Fine turn you into a small-talk expert - and watch the contacts, business deals and social relationships multiply before your eyes!

在这本畅销的社交成功指南中,沟通专家黛布拉·法恩 (Debra Fine) 揭示了任何人都可以在任何情况下闲聊的技巧和策略。 和陌生人搭讪会让你的胃翻腾吗?你在社交聚会上会花时间躲在浴室里吗?您是否害怕网络这个想法?滚动手机是否会成为避免互动的拐杖? 《闲聊的艺术》即将为您提供帮助,这是一本经典指南,现已针对现代时代进行了修订。闲聊不仅仅是闲聊;它是帮助您攀登企业阶梯、拓宽您的业务和社交圈以及增强自信的宝贵工具。本书通过实用的建议和简单的对话“备忘单”,提供了易于学习的技巧,让您在任何类型的社交场合都感到自在——从视频会议到第一次约会,再到您不熟悉的鸡尾酒会。我不认识一个灵魂。沟通专家 Debra Fine 将向您展示如何:

  • 学会与他人沟通,无论场合、事件或情况如何 -娱乐时表现得沉着、自信
  • 避免尴尬的沉默和“脚进嘴”病
  • 传达温暖和热情,让其他人在靠近你时感觉良好 -从打招呼的那一刻起就给人留下积极、持久的印象。 一旦你掌握了闲聊的艺术,你就会擅长让别人感到被包容、被重视和舒服。让 Debra Fine 将您变成闲聊专家 - 并见证人脉、商业交易和社交关系在您眼前成倍增长!

作者简介 · · · · · ·

Bestselling author, keynote speaker and communication expert Debra Fine began her career as an engineer, an occupation that allowed her to maintain her natural shyness and avoid situations that required social and personal interactions. Fine is the author of the bestselling book The Fine Art of Small Talk: How to Start a Conversation, Keep It Going, Build Networking Skills—and Leave a Positive Impression (Hachette), and the second in the Fine Art series, The Fine Art of the Big Talk How to Win Clients, Deliver Great Presentations, and Solve Conflicts at Work (Hachette), both translated and published in 20+ countries around the world. Her newest title, Beyond Texting: The Fine Art of Face-To-Face Communication for Teenagers is to be published May 2014. Fine is a 20+ year member of the National Speakers Association presenting her programs to hundreds of audiences around the world that include Cisco Systems, Google, University of Chicago Booth Graduate School of Business, Texas Association of School Boards, Credit Suisse, Spectra Energy, General Electric, COMERICA Banks, Alaska Forum on the Environment, Johns Manville, and Proctor and Gamble. Her recent media appearances include The Today Show, The Early Show, NPR Morning Edition, Fox Business News and CNN. Fine is a regular contributor to Huffington Post as well as Learn more about Fine at

畅销书作家、主讲人兼传播专家黛布拉·法恩 (Debra Fine) 的职业生涯始于一名工程师,这一职业使她能够保持天生的害羞,避免需要社交和个人互动的情况。 Fine 是畅销书《闲聊的美术:如何开始对话、保持对话、建立人际交往技巧并留下积极印象》(阿歇特出版社)的作者,也是美术系列的第二本《美术》 《如何赢得客户、提供出色的演示和解决工作中的冲突》(阿歇特出版社)的大讲堂,已在全球 20 多个国家/地区翻译和出版。她的最新著作《超越短信:青少年面对面交流的艺术》将于 2014 年 5 月出版。Fine 是全国演讲者协会 20 多年的会员,向世界各地数百名观众展示她的节目,其中包括思科系统公司、谷歌、芝加哥大学布斯商学院、德克萨斯州学校董事会协会、瑞士信贷、Spectra Energy、通用电气、COMERICA 银行、阿拉斯加环境论坛、Johns Manville 和宝洁公司。她最近出现在《今日秀》、《早期秀》、NPR 早间版、福克斯商业新闻和 CNN 等媒体上。 Fine 是赫芬顿邮报和 的定期撰稿人。了解有关 Fine 的更多信息,请访问



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