The Mask of Dimitrios

一位英国小说家揭露了伊斯坦布尔的犯罪线索 —— 所有线索都指向神秘的犯罪大师迪米特里斯

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The Mask of Dimitrios

内容简介 · · · · · ·

《迪米特里奥斯的面具》是他最好的作品之一,故事从英国犯罪小说家查尔斯·拉蒂默(Charles Latimer)在伊斯坦布尔旅行时听闻主人公、罪犯迪米特里奥斯的尸体被从博斯普鲁斯海峡打捞上来开始。出于好奇,查尔斯开始调查迪米特里奥斯的生平,试图为自己的新书寻找灵感,却意外卷入了一个危险的阴谋。

An English novelist uncovers a trail of crime in Istanbul - and all roads lead to the mysterious master criminal Dimitrios

English crime novelist Charles Latimer is travelling in Istanbul when he makes the acquaintance of Turkish police inspector Colonel Haki. It is from him that he first hears of the mysterious Dimitrios - an infamous master criminal, long wanted by the law, whose body has just been fished out of the Bosphorus. Fascinated by the story, Latimer decides to retrace Dimitrios’ steps across Europe to gather material for a new book. But, as he gradually discovers more about his subject’s shadowy history, fascination tips over into obsession. And, in entering Dimitrios’ criminal underworld, Latimer realizes that his own life may be on the line.

作者简介 · · · · · ·

埃里克·安布勒是最伟大的间谍小说作家之一。勒卡雷(Le Carré)甚至称他为“我们灵感的源泉”。他的创作值得我们再次深入挖掘,尤其是他揭示的大企业与腐败政府间阴暗交易的主题,至今仍显得格外引人入胜和具有时代意义。



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