

  • 2 min read

内容简介 · · · · · ·

CHOSEN BY THE ECONOMIST AS A BEST BOOK OF THE YEAR An American linguist teaching in England explores the sibling rivalry between British and American English “English accents are the sexiest.” “Americans have ruined the English language.”

Such claims about the English language are often repeated but rarely examined. Professor Lynne Murphy is on the linguistic front line. In The Prodigal Tongue she explores the fiction and reality of the special relationship between British and American English. By examining the causes and symptoms of American Verbal Inferiority Complex and its flipside, British Verbal Superiority Complex, Murphy unravels the prejudices, stereotypes and insecurities that shape our attitudes to our own language.

With great humo(u)r and new insights, Lynne Murphy looks at the social, political and linguistic forces that have driven American and British English in different directions: how Americans got from centre to center, why British accents are growing away from American ones, and what different things we mean when we say estate, frown, or middle class. Is anyone winning this war of the words? Will Yanks and Brits ever really understand each other?

被《经济学人》评选为年度最佳书籍 一位在英国任教的美国语言学家探讨了英式英语和美式英语之间的兄弟竞争 “英国口音是最性感的”。“美国人毁了英语。”


林恩·墨菲 (Lynne Murphy) 凭借幽默感和新见解,探讨了推动美式英语和英式英语朝不同方向发展的社会、政治和语言力量:美国人如何从一个中心走向另一个中心,为什么英国口音逐渐远离美国口音,以及当我们说房地产、皱眉或中产阶级时,我们所指的含义有何不同。这场口水战有人赢了吗?美国佬和英国人真的能互相理解吗?

作者简介 · · · · · ·

Lynne Murphy is Professor of Linguistics at the University of Sussex. Born and raised in New York State, she studied Linguistics at the Universities of Massachusetts and Illinois, before starting her academic career in South Africa and Texas. Since 2000, she has lived in Brighton, England, where she has acquired an English husband, an English daughter, and an alter ego: Lynneguist, author of the award-winning blog Separated by a Common Language.

林恩·墨菲 (Lynne Murphy)是苏塞克斯大学语言学教授。她在纽约州出生和长大,在马萨诸塞州大学和伊利诺伊州大学学习语言学,然后在南非和德克萨斯州开始她的学术生涯。自 2000 年以来,她一直住在英国布莱顿,在那里她有了一个英国丈夫、一个英国女儿和另一个自我:Lynneguist,他是获奖博客《Separated by a Common Language》的作者。



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