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拜登总统周日在社交媒体平台上宣布,他将不再寻求连任。 BONNIE CASH FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES

Biden’s decision upends the race less than four months before Election Day. Here’s the latest.


President Biden, 81, abandoned his bid for re-election on Sunday as he caved to relentless pressure from his closest allies to drop out of the race amid deep concerns that he was too old and frail to defeat former President Donald J. Trump. Vice President Kamala Harris said she would seek the nomination in his place, and many Democrats quickly lined up behind her after Mr. Biden gave her his endorsement.


“While it has been my intention to seek re-election, I believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down and focus entirely on fulfilling my duties as president for the remainder of my term,” Mr. Biden said in a statement. He called it “the greatest honor of my life to serve as your president.”


Here’s what else to know:


• Biden backs Harris: Mr. Biden gave Ms. Harris his “full support and endorsement” in a social media post. “Democrats — it’s time to come together and beat Trump,” he added. “Let’s do this.” Ms. Harris said she was “honored” by Mr. Biden’s endorsement and that her intention was to “earn and win” the party’s nomination. “Together, we will fight, she said in a statement. “And together, we will win.” After getting off to a rocky start as vice president, Ms. Harris now stands at the brink of leading her party’s ticket.

• 拜登支持哈里斯:拜登在社交媒体发帖,表示“全力支持和认可”哈里斯。“民主党人,是时候团结起来打败特朗普了,”他说,“让我们开始吧。”哈里斯表示,她对拜登的支持感到“荣幸”,希望“争取并赢得”民主党的提名。“我们团结一致,共同奋斗,”她在声明中表示。“我们团结一致,走向胜利。”哈里斯刚开始担任副总统的时候并不顺利,如今却有望成为党内领先的候选人。

• A sudden withdrawal: Mr. Biden’s decision ends a political crisis that began when the president delivered a calamitous debate performance against Mr. Trump on June 27. For weeks, the president insisted that he would remain in the race, but a senior administration official familiar with Mr. Biden’s thinking said he changed his mind in part because he had tried for weeks to flip the attention back to Mr. Trump. Here’s a timeline of Mr. Biden’s decision to drop out.

• 突然退出:拜登的决定结束了一场政治危机,这场危机始于6月27日拜登在与特朗普的辩论中糟糕的表现。几周以来,总统一直坚称他会继续参选,但一名熟悉拜登想法的政府高级官员表示,他改变了主意,部分原因是这几周来,他一直努力把注意力转回到特朗普身上。这里是拜登做出退出决定的时间线。

• Uncertainty looms: No sitting American president has dropped out of a race so late in the election cycle. The Democratic National Convention, where Mr. Biden was to have been formally nominated by 3,939 delegates, is scheduled to begin Aug. 19 in Chicago, and Democrats are gaming out the scenarios for a new nominee, even if Ms. Harris has certain built-in advantages — including with the “Biden for President” campaign committee officially filing paperwork to rename itself “Harris for President.” One crucial question: What happens to the $96 million already in the Biden campaign’s coffers? It seems likely that Ms. Harris can inherit it.

• 迫在眉睫的不确定性:没有哪位在任总统在选举周期如此晚的阶段退出竞选。民主党全国代表大会定于8月19日在芝加哥召开,届时拜登本应获得3939名代表的正式提名,民主党目前正在探讨新的提名方案,尽管哈里斯已经获得了一定优势——包括“拜登竞选总统”竞选委员会已正式提交文件,将自己更名为“哈里斯竞选总统”。一个关键的问题是:拜登竞选团队金库中的9600万美元将如何处理?哈里斯似乎很有可能继承这笔资金。

• Harris picks up endorsements: Mr. Biden’s endorsement of Ms. Harris set off a flood of support from his fellow Democrats. Among them: former President Bill Clinton; Hillary Clinton, the former secretary of state and Democratic nominee in 2016; Representative Pramila Jayapal of Washington, the chairwoman of the Progressive Caucus; Senator Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin, who is facing re-election in a critical presidential battleground state; and Representative Andy Kim, a New Jersey Democrat running for Senate.

• 哈里斯获得支持:拜登对哈里斯的背书引发了民主党同僚的大量支持。其中包括前总统比尔·克林顿;前国务卿、2016年民主党总统候选人希拉里·克林顿;进步党团会议主席、华盛顿州众议员普拉米拉·贾亚帕尔;威斯康星州参议员塔米·鲍德温(她将在一个关键的总统竞选战场州面临连任竞选);以及正在竞选参议员的新泽西州民主党众议员安迪·金。

• Important Democrats mum on Harris: Four of the party’s most influential figures issued statements praising Mr. Biden, but stayed silent on Ms. Harris, including former President Barack Obama, who was said to be maintaining the neutral stance he took during the 2020 primaries. While many Democrats on Capitol Hill rallied around Ms. Harris, Senator Chuck Schumer and Representative Hakeem Jeffries, the New York Democrats who lead the party in Congress; and Representative Nancy Pelosi of California, the former House speaker, stayed silent. Read about the reaction in Congress.

• 重要民主党人对哈里斯保持沉默:民主党最有影响力的四位人物发表了赞扬拜登的声明,但对哈里斯未表态支持,其中包括前总统贝拉克·奥巴马,据说他将保持中立立场,就像在2020年初选时一样。虽然国会山的许多民主党人都支持哈里斯,但在国会领导民主党的纽约州民主党参议员查克·舒默和众议员哈基姆·杰弗里斯;加州众议员、前众议院议长南希·佩洛西仍未表态支持。了解国会的反应。

• Donors and voters react: Billionaires and major donors quickly flocked to Ms. Harris, while Democratic voters responded to Mr. Biden’s exit with a mix of relief and optimism. Here’s a look at how the vice president polls against Mr. Trump.

• 捐赠者和选民的反应:亿万富翁和主要捐赠者迅速对哈里斯表示支持,民主党选民对拜登退出的反应交织着欣慰和乐观之情。这里是副总统与特朗普相较的民调结果。

• Praise for Biden: After weeks of deep concerns about his age and ability to win again roiled the party, Democrats hailed Mr. Biden’s accomplishments as president. Ms. Harris praised his “big heart,” while four governors who have been mentioned as possible nominees applauded his legacy. Mr. Biden’s son Hunter said that “unconditional love” had been his father’s “North Star.” Jill Biden, the first lady, responded to her husband’s statement with only a heart emoji. Here’s a look at what will be Mr. Biden’s legacy.

• 对拜登的赞扬:对他的年龄和再次获胜能力深表担忧数周后,民主党人对拜登作为总统的成就表示了赞扬。哈里斯称赞他“心胸宽广”,而四名被提出可能成为候选人的州长则称赞他留下的成就。拜登的儿子亨特说,“无条件的爱”一直是他父亲的“北极星”。第一夫人吉尔·拜登只用一个爱心表情符号回应了丈夫的声明。这里是拜登留下的成就。

• Trump reacts: Mr. Trump seized on the moment to criticize Mr. Biden, saying he was never fit to be president, and denounced the Washington political establishment and the news media, saying they “did everything they could to protect” him.

• 特朗普的反应:特朗普借机批评拜登,说他本来就不适合当总统,并谴责华盛顿的政治建制派和新闻媒体,称他们“竭尽所能保护”拜登。


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