Everyday English 556 collocations


  • 1 min read

一本可以学习日常用语的书,里边有很多常用的短句和句子,作者Julia Deniskina是一名CELTA英语教师。如果你想学习地道的口语,可以读这本书。

Are you going to study, work or live in an English-speaking country and need to expand your daily English vocabulary quickly? “Everyday English: 556 collocations with pictures” is a great way to achieve this goal! The book presents common word combinations that native speakers use every day in different social situations: working in an office, communicating with teachers and classmates at University, socialising with friends and colleagues, consulting doctors about health problems, reporting emergencies, exchanging news, describing troubles with a flat/apartment or a car, doing exercise with fitness instructors and dealing with a lot of other practical affairs every day. All the collocations are grouped by 40 topics people talk about daily. Each collocation is illustrated by a picture so that learners could understand its meaning and remember it easily. For levels from elementary to intermediate.



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